Praying for Your Future Wife
June 10, 2016

Mother’s Day 2015, a man in our church preached a message from Proverbs 31. He started by explaining how Jewish mamas often used acrostic poems to teach principles to their children. Whether this was an acrostic or not, my brain started racing. Yes, I need to put into ABC form the prayers in my head for your special someday person, your forever person, the person who will most impact the rest of your life. This is worth praying about!!! Having eight sons, this was the first moment I recall putting words to all my rambling thoughts and prayers for their future wife(s). May God encourage us all to ask BIG and to ask in faith. He cares so much about the details of each of our children’s lives. I know we can trust Him with their futures.

May She be . . .

A bove all- in love with Jesus!
B eautiful- because of inward beauty and grace
C ourageous- willing to trust God in difficulties
D utiful- at home and about God’s business
E ncouraging- seeing the good in others
F earing God- desirous of being rightly related to Him
G racious- even in controversy
H umble- focused not on entitlements but on the blessings showered on her life
I nstrument of God to the broken
J oyful- with the enduring joy of God’s love
K ind- to all of God’s creation
L oving- to those God has already given her
M ature beyond her years- because of God’s work in her life
N ot willing to compromise- grounded in God’s Word
O pen to all people – hospitable
P eaceful- because of the presence of God in her life
Q uiet spirit- which is beautiful in God’s eyes
R estful- to her parents’ hearts and R adiantly showing Christ’s love to all
S teadfast in the will of the Lord
T rusting- the God-given authority in her life
U nited – with her siblings and parents
V ictorious- over sin
W illing to work with her hands- not above serving, even in the everyday tasks
eX ceedingly ready to share the gospel
Y ielded- to Christ’s will for her life and His ways
Z ealous- for good works


  1. Josiah

    Very well written. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    • Melinda Poling

      Thank you! It thrills me that God gave you just such a wife! Praising Him!!!

Melinda Poling

Hi, I’m Melinda Poling.

My mission is to encourage moms as they train young hearts to discern good from evil, with a deep-rooted love for God and others, and life skills to flesh it out.

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