Do My Children See Me?
March 4, 2019

Whining        Complaining Arguing        Nitpicking     Hiding from problems or people

Making unwise financial decisions Harnessed by worldly goods       Unhappy Lashing out Consumed with outward beauty and comfort         Gripped with unfruitful habitsActing in arrogance Preoccupied with mediocre entertainment   Infatuated with unholy living

Calloused     Indifferent    Hardened     Unreasonable          Making selfish decisions

Apathetic      Unmoved when others are struggling         Unresponsive         Uninterested Lacking passion and zeal for what really matters    Unmerciful   Unkind          Gossiping     Stagnant Brokenhearted         Depressed    Unforgiving Unrelenting

Zealous         Involved        Loveable       Approachable           Reasonable Humble

Enjoying life Reading my Bible     Enjoying wise friends       Delighting in family Persevering Making peace in difficult situations            Rejoicing with the saints    Loving the unlovable Caring when others are in need      Patience in hardship   Interceding Showing mercy

Savoring time with God       Encouraging others Reassuring the downcast     Cheering them on          Demonstrating good work ethic      Making much of God           Peaceful Maintaining justice Asking older wiser people for counsel        Blessing those who curse me Praying for those who persecute me     Caring for the needy Appreciating great music   Grieving over what really matters Hungering and thirsting for righteousness Showing hospitality         Rejoicing in hardship           Being salt and light to this generation Sharing what’s dear to me Glorifying God

Children have an up close view of our lives. Sometimes they see the good and sometimes the bad. None of us live in just one of these categories. We are a mixture. But realizing what they are seeing can help us cry out for the help needed to become more like our Savior and encourage us to seek forgiveness from our kids and our God. What does God see our life characterized by? He alone can help us and He is so willing.


  1. Amy

    Thanks Melinda! As I read this I was thinking, do my children see me resting in God’s provision when I fail. Am I making real for them the welcoming heart of God no matter what I am or I am not! They will learn from my example of confidence in Him when I am less than I want to be.
    Hopefully I can show them how to live with those imperfections and even the sins which hang about and seek to isolate me away from God by running to Him to receive grace.Thankful for His profound love.

    • Melinda

      Thank you, Amy. You always bring a voice of grace to the table. I appreciate your view on life!

Melinda Poling

Hi, I’m Melinda Poling.

My mission is to encourage moms as they train young hearts to discern good from evil, with a deep-rooted love for God and others, and life skills to flesh it out.

I want to help you train your young image bearers to serve the King full tilt and in perfect rest with hearts that honor Him.

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