Chasing God’s Grace
November 15, 2023

My daughter sat with my laptop open on the bathroom counter reading her speech to me while I cleaned the bathroom and switched laundry. Maybe I was caught up with what she was saying or maybe I was having a –moment-

All I knew was that I couldn’t find the setting I always selected on the washer. 1 – 2 – 3 attempts. Ahhh, there was normal.

Why did that ring in my mind of how all of life felt right now? I find myself searching to find normal between schooling kids, chasing dogs, trying to stay connected with our grown kids – my husband – grandkids – and aging parents, the life-altering happenings in the world. And, add to that, writing in my SPARE time.

The leaves are beautiful. Our kids are healthy and live nearby. Life is hectic but good. Slow my heart, Lord, to remind me how thoroughly You have cared for us! Remind my soul that You are in control. We are celebrating Your faithful care over us this month. I say month because it takes me an entire month to grasp what all I have to be thankful for, to focus, and well, give thanks!

How about you? Do you ever search for normal? Are you taking time to slow the pounding of your heart and thoughts to realize just how good you have it?

I wonder if Paul felt the lack of normal in prison? Or when he was chased out of town, or shipwrecked? In this crazy, upside down world we live in, it does my heart good to draw near to God:

– to quiet my sense of entitlement that longs for a trouble-free life
– to say NO to my flesh that craves to keep my blessings all to myself
– to count the graces God is providing DAILY

Why strive for normal when we could sing praises to a living God who shows up in our abnormal:

– the lion’s den
– the fiery furnace and
– the garden tomb

Now I’m thinking of the pilgrims that suffered so much loss and chose to give thanks amidst meager circumstances.

What is your tender, abnormal circumstance? Does it cause you to lean into God? Join me in counting the graces and humming thankful tunes that invite His presence? He has a soul feast prepared for all who delight in Him.


Melinda Poling

Hi, I’m Melinda Poling.

My mission is to encourage moms as they train young hearts to discern good from evil, with a deep-rooted love for God and others, and life skills to flesh it out.

I want to help you train your young image bearers to serve the King full tilt and in perfect rest with hearts that honor Him.

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