Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Christmas decoration and Christmas present. The words of this familiar carol warmed my soul: God rest ye merry gentlemen,Let nothing you dismay. Remember Christ our Savior,Was born this blessed day. To save us all from Satan’s power,When we were gone astray. Oh,...
Chasing God’s Grace

Chasing God’s Grace

My daughter sat with my laptop open on the bathroom counter reading her speech to me while I cleaned the bathroom and switched laundry. Maybe I was caught up with what she was saying or maybe I was having a -moment- All I knew was that I couldn’t find the setting I...
I Write for Kids

I Write for Kids

I write for your kiddos. As a child, I went through the motions of visiting my father every other weekend. Even though my father loved me and my brother, the bling fell flat and lacked meaning. I wasn’t sure why. Life at home remained stable but colorless. When I was...
I Write for Moms

I Write for Moms

I write for you, momma. I remember the day well. We had three kiddos and a baby. In an I-was-here-first moment, my six-year-old son ran into the house and slammed the door on his younger brother. Not wanting to interrupt my nursing babe but also desiring justice, I...
The Legend of the Water Vessel

The Legend of the Water Vessel

The Legend of the Water Vessel Original author unknown. Retold by Melinda Poling. A lady owned two water pots. She walked miles each day to carry water home from a distant stream. In time, one of the vessels cracked. Each time the woman carried the heavy water...