The Legend of the Water Vessel
May 5, 2022

The Legend of the Water Vessel

Original author unknown. Retold by Melinda Poling.

Legend of the water vessel

A lady owned two water pots. She walked miles each day to carry water home from a distant stream. In time, one of the vessels cracked. Each time the woman carried the heavy water vessels, the cracked pot leaked.

One day, the broken water vessel could bear it no longer. “Please, use only the perfect vessel. I am badly cracked and of no use to you anymore. I leak more than half the water before we reach home.”

“Oh,” said the woman softly. “I knew you were broken. That’s why I planted all those flower seeds for you to water along our journey home.” She pointed to a wide display of vibrant flowers along the otherwise dusty trail.

The pot wanted to weep.

“You see,” the woman caressed the pot, “I can use even broken vessels for my purposes.”


Melinda Poling

Hi, I’m Melinda Poling.

My mission is to encourage moms as they train young hearts to discern good from evil, with a deep-rooted love for God and others, and life skills to flesh it out.

I want to help you train your young image bearers to serve the King full tilt and in perfect rest with hearts that honor Him.

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