Beth Turns 7
August 20, 2018

The reason I have long, thick, wavy, brown hair to brush and beautify each day is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I have a friend to visit with while I fold laundry, clean the bathroom, and water the flowers is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I hear songs of praise from various corners of the house any given time of day is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I doubly love to wear dresses and enjoy being girly is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I have a shadow in the kitchen every time I go to bake something delicious is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I have a second mama scrambling to help me bathe baby brother and help with potty training is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I have an eager, ready-made prayer partner at random intervals of the day is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I am never lacking for a walking partner is because
God gave me a little girl!
The real reason my fingernails now have polish on them is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I can no longer fit my own hairbrush and do-dads into the bathroom drawer is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I craft and sew against all reason is because
God gave me a little girl!
The reason I stand a little taller, try to talk a little sweeter, and hold my breath
and pray I’ll be the kinder is because
God gave me a little girl!


Melinda Poling

Hi, I’m Melinda Poling.

My mission is to encourage moms as they train young hearts to discern good from evil, with a deep-rooted love for God and others, and life skills to flesh it out.

I want to help you train your young image bearers to serve the King full tilt and in perfect rest with hearts that honor Him.

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